Thursday, October 18, 2012

Three Must Have Tools For Business Travel | Fusion Technology ...

It?s hard to be as productive and on top of things when you?re traveling for business. Keeping up on emails, responding to people as fast as you normally would, and updating your team is difficult when hotel Internet is inconsistent. Listed here are some tools that may help you when you are traveling for business.

GroupMe: If you have to contact many coworkers at once, perhaps to update them about a meeting, the app GroupMe is designed for you. You can create a list of contacts that you can then send a single text or email to all of them; this will save you tons of time!

Belkin Mini Surge Protector DUAL USB Charger: Most of us have a lot of devices we have to charge, and when you are traveling, you may not have sufficient plugs to charge them all at once. That is where this gadget comes in; it is a surge protector that includes three AC and two USB outlets. This enables you to charge all your devices at once, in one place.

Campfire: If you wish to talk, not just send a quick text, to your whole team, you can utilize the Campfire app. It allows you to set up a chat room with any amount of people you want. Everyone in the group will be able to see all of the messages people are sending. You can also make conference calls with it!



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