Friday, November 30, 2012

The Slate Book Review Top 10 of 2012


Illustration by Lilli Carr?.

New Yorker?staff writer Boo ?has many ways of illuminating the people she writes about,? Elaine Blair wrote in February. ?The most important and obvious is that she listens closely and intelligently.? For this, her first book, which recently won the National Book Award, Boo spent over three years listening to the residents of a Mumbai slum.

The young men of Bravo company visit Cowboys Stadium in this funny and wrenching novel, which is seeded ?with finely honed insights that reflect the hypocrisy and jingoistic thinking that dominate discussions about the country's wars,? wrote Jacob Silverman in September. And Fountain?s writing is ?head-shakingly good.?

The sequel to Wolf Hall (both books won the Booker Prize), this story of Thomas Cromwell, according to William Georgiades? May review, chronicles ?the careful, patient rage of the consummate professional in a world of highborn twits who never see him coming.? The worst you can say about Mantel, he adds, is that the book ?makes you angry, because you want more.?

New Yorker writer Max?s sympathetic biography of David Foster Wallace is ?one of the saddest books I?ve ever read,? wrote Mark O?Connell in September. The book offers both illuminating discussions of Wallace?s editorial life and harrowing depictions of his depressive end. ?I?m having trouble remembering when I was last so consumed by any piece of writing, fiction or non.?

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

This thriller about a marriage gone toxic was the book that everyone you know took to the beach this summer?and this best-seller lives up to the hype. ?This is not the kind of book that sits on your bedside table unread,? said Emily Bazelon in the September Audio Book Club. Instead, it?s a book that readers refuse to put down?and that wraps them up in its seductively corrupt worldview.

This collection of comics journalism, which tells stories reported in Iraq, Chechnya, and other nasty places, makes a case that our best war correspondent might just be a cartoonist. ?Sacco grants dignity to his subjects?the petty tyrant and the suffering victim alike?simply through the meticulousness with which he renders them,? Campbell Robertson wrote in July.

The Lifespan of a Fact by John D?Agata and Jim Fingal

In this ?enraging, fascinating, singular book,? according to Dan Kois? February review, a journalist and a fact-checker go to war about whether the falsehoods incorporated in a magazine story matter. The result is a Talmudic debate about storytelling, truth, and lies that spills off the page.

This novel, set in and around a council estate in northwest London, is remarkably perceptive about female friendship, race, and class. But it?s also ?an argument,? Hanna Rosin noted in the December Audio Book Club, ?between two different ideas of what a novel should be??part lyrical-realistic storytelling, part modernist deconstruction of the very idea of story. As a whole, it?s a masterful, emotional portrait of a city as seen through four of its residents, striving and failing to move beyond the neighborhood where they were born.

?There is no better spirit in all of American letters than that of Ursula Le Guin,? wrote Choire Sicha in November. This two-volume collection of her masterful short stories ? one book of science fiction, the other of the mundane ? ?guns from the grim to the ecstatic, from the State to the Garden of Eden, with just one dragon between.?

Strayed?s chronicle of her 1,100-mile trek along the Pacific Crest Trail is ?by turns both devastating and glorious,? wrote Melanie Rehak in March. The memoir?s value isn?t in oh-so-wisely answering questions ? it?s in asking ?many, many new questions far more valuable than any platitudes about self-discovery.?


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New home activity soars 51.5% | Inside Real Estate News

The Angelina model by Richmond Homes in Castle Rock ranges in size from 2,100 square feet to 3,100 square feet and is priced from the mid-$300,000s.

Builders from Boulder to Castle Rock pulled 4,581 permits for new homes in the first 10 months of the year, almost a 55 percent jump from same period in 2011, according to a report released today.

The report by the Home Builders Association of Metro Denver, also showed that builders pulled 446 permits for single-family, detached homes in October, a 70.2 percent increase from the 262 in October 2011.

October marked the 18th consecutive month that home sales activity increased from the same month a year earlier, said Jeff Whiton, CEO and executive director of the association.

In the first 10 months of last year, builders pulled 2,960 permits in the counties of Adams, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Jefferson and all of the municipalities in the counties. Permit activity indicates future construction.

?There is not much inventory available on either the resale or the new-home side,? Whiton said. ?In that respect, builders are simply responding to market conditions. Nobody has to worry about over-building and I don?t see much potential for price discounting going on. If anything, we are going to start seeing increases in new home prices.?

Indeed, builders may try to pass on increasing construction costs, some of it caused by hurricane Sandy.

?Those type of increases typically follow big natural disasters,? Whiton said. ?We experienced that after Katrina. Hopefully, it will not last too long and will not cause a huge spike in prices.?

The theory is that construction materials will be flowing to the East Coast where Sandy ravaged buildings and homes, causing potential shortages and driving up prices elsewhere.

?That is the way many people view it,? Whiton said. ?Of course, we are a long way from New Jersey and New York.?

The cost of material and labor also are rising because of increased demand, Whiton said.

The report also showed that Richmond American Homes of Colorado and Century Communities continue to be the two top builders in the metro area, having pulled 902 and 532 permits, respectively, in the first 10 months of the year. Richmond is part of Denver-based M.D.C. Holdings Inc., one of the nation?s largest home builders.

Have a story idea or real estate tip? Contact John Rebchook at is sponsored by Universal Lending, Land Title Guarantee and 8z Real Estate. To read more articles by John Rebchook, subscribe to the Colorado Real Estate Journal.





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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Patriarchal Religion, Battered Wives & Divorce ... -


Nov-28-2012 23:41printcomments Video

Divorce is not the scandal; it is the cover-up and condoning of abusive behavior in the Christian community. Part 6 of 6

(SALEM) - Escaping an abusive marriage is no easy task for many evangelical women, many of whom have pastors that say physical and mental abuse is no reason for divorce. The fear of reprisals and repercussions from husbands, pastors, the religious community and the judicial system prevents many women from seeking safety and wholeness. They are experienced with the ways abuse and trauma operates in their home. To seek safety would often mean subjecting themselves to further abuse in our judicial system as well. The choice to stay in domestic violence is not a choice at all. It is just the lesser of two evils. A battered woman weighs what kind of abuse she is most familiar with and can possibly survive. Fear of the unknown is often a crushing deterrent.

"Despite the documentation of the breadth of this problem [domestic violence] it remains a "myth" to many pastors. Although 40 percent of battered women report that they first went to their pastors for help, most pastors deny the existence of violence among members of their congregation. The "absence" of the problem represents the failure of the minister to acknowledge its existence and his or her willingness to address it."? - Judith Herman, M.D.

Domestic violence is a crime. It is a complex problem with roots in an oppressively hierarchical, patriarchal violence-accepting society.

My case speaks loudly of the insidious crimes that are legally permitted and condoned under the guise of church and state-sanctioned domination of males in marriage.? Laws must be changed to protect vulnerable people who cannot protect themselves. (When Those Who Are Supposed to Help You Get Out - Don't) 1

Punishment: Breakdown & Post-Partum Depression

Mr. Marty Warner, my ex-husband, assumed the role of teacher, doctor and mentor in our home. He also believed he was the "priest" of our family and dragged me through eight religious cults. I had no right to think and make decisions for myself. I was not allowed to express my emotions, feelings or beliefs. But, even though he considered himself the absolute master of home and family, he was an absentee husband and father, due to his personal retreats and religious activities, i.e., Right to Life home school and cult meetings.

During the period of my breakdown/depression in
the spring of 1994, my husband and his pastors left me
at the ?Wings of Love? half-way house on Killingsworth
in Portland, Oregon to punish me and break me to the
?will of God? they said. The house was a shelter for
ex-cons, street people and prostitutes. It was filthy
and was infested with rats and lice. Three months
earlier, I had a D & C, due to my 3rd miscarriage,
from being raped by my husband.

In March 1994, my physician dismissed me as his patient because my husband was not bringing me in for appointments and was leaving me with unqualified people. Mr. Warner enlisted the help of Mr. Bill Heard, an unlicensed Christian counselor and ordained pastor in Roseburg, Oregon. He was oppressive. He also told me I was a ?selfish woman? had a ?sin? problem and that I needed to repent of my disobedience to my husband, etc. Mr. Heard believed I was ?God?s living example of cursed women.? At this time my husband and his pastor left me at the ?Wings of Love? Half-Way house for God to punish me and break me to the ?will of God? they said.

Bill & Linda Heard, Roseburg, Oregon

In September, 1994, my husband and I boarded a plane to Chicago, Illinois.? I was left at Bill Gothard?s Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana during the time I was physically and mentally incapacitated.? I was exorcised daily for ?witchcraft.?? Again, they told me I was in ?sin,? and needed to learn how to obey my husband and the authorities God placed over me.? I scrubbed toilets, washed floors, peeled potatoes, made beds in the hotel, etc.? I ran away after several weeks and flew back to Portland, Oregon.? My brother, Don Hall, picked me up and I lived with him, in Dallesport, Washington, off and on for the next several months.

In October 1994, Mr. Warner called my brother, told him to help me get dressed up. Mr. Warner picked me up, while I was in a nearly catatonic condition, took me to a nearby motel and used me sexually throughout the night. He returned me to my brother?s house in the morning. No contraceptives were used. I was again pregnant with my eighth child. Due to my breakdown, I still was unable to care for myself. My husband?s actions are defined in Oregon as RAPE COUNT I.

Characteristics of Abusers

While staying with my friend and former neighbor, Stephanie Hawkinson, Corvallis, Oregon, in January 1995, she gave me some reading material on abuse. I had never been exposed to this kind of information before and found it very enlightening. The material answered questions about emotional and psychological abuse and stated that the sole purpose of the abuser's actions is to dominate, manipulate, and control another person.

The book listed abuser's tactics as name-calling or yelling, using angry expressions or gestures, humiliation (either in public or private), isolation of the victim from family and friends, accusations of infidelity, constant belittlement of another person, constant questioning of the other person's judgment or decision making abilities, threatening to take the children away, accusations of insanity, and ignoring or minimizing the other person's feelings. Physical abuse could include, slapping, pushing, kicking, pulling hair, biting, choking, shaking or throwing someone around a room, twisting of any limbs, any form of restraint, and rape, i.e., forcing someone to have unwanted sex.

Other characteristics of an abuser included thinking there are no consequences for his behavior, depriving partner of money, making her beg for it or taking her money, restricting his partner's access to food, clothing, work, health care etc., destroying possessions belonging to his partner, believing in male supremacy, being pathologically jealous, being cruel to animals and children, being self-righteous and self-centered, denying or minimizing his abusive behavior, needing to be in control of every situation, and believing they are the ?head of the household.? Other signs of an abuser: prevent you from working or attending school and need to control all finances and force you to account in detail for what you spend.

One of the most life changing moments I had up to then was Stephanie taking my face in her hands and telling me, ?Kathy [Coral], when you begin to call the way you have been treated by Mr. Warner ?abuse,? then you will be on the road to recovery.? I had ?Stockholm Syndrome,? was unwell at that time, and continued to explain to her that my husband was kind because, ?he let me plant flowers in our gardens.?2? It would take me several months to be able to verbalize and articulate what was so obvious to the people around me.? I began to have hope for the first time in my life.? The brainwashing and conditioning that had left me numb was replaced with words of truth and empowerment.

In January 1995, a friend, Therese Vasquez, drove me to my OB/Gyn, Dr. Charles South in Albany, Oregon.? He was aware of my frail health.? Dr. South confirmed my 8th pregnancy and tells me in strong language to go get the best divorce attorney I can find and divorce the ?son of a b---ch.?? He knew this way of life would soon kill me.

My husband picked me up from Stephanie?s and I returned to my home January 20, 1995, and resumed my expected duties.

I took care of the children, cooked meals, cleaned the home and did the laundry and grocery shopping during this time. The four eldest children were attending a Christian school in Philomath, Oregon. I came down with severe toxemia and had difficulty sleeping because of the pain.? Several weeks before my eighth child was born, all seven children came down with the chicken pox. One of my oldest daughters was also ill and had surgery.

I followed the advice of my trusted physician, Dr. Charles South, soon after my baby was born. None of us could foresee the horrors of the Oregon court system.

Escaping an Abusive Marriage is No Easy Task

I have twenty years of mental scars to prove what I am saying is true.? I was severely abused by Mr. Marty Warner and his religious leaders and counselors during my illness in 1993-1995.? After questioning Mr. Bill Heard, one of the religious counselors my husband had taken me to during my breakdown, my attorney, Mr. David Gearing, Portland, Oregon, commented that I could have died under the "care" of these unqualified counselors. He spoke the truth.

Mr. Bill Heard testified in Court that Mr. Warner was the more qualified and competent parent.

Mr. Heard based his opinion from being involved in our lives for one year.? I had been the primary care giver of our children for seventeen years.

Pastor Ron & Marijo Sutter, Monmouth, Oregon, Bridgeport
Community Chapel. Used by Permission: Polk County Itemizer
Observer ?Mr. Warner is a great father.? - Mrs. Marijo Sutter

Betsy Close, Oregon District 8

Although I confided about the severe abuse and rapes I suffered from Mr. Warner to Pastor Ron Sutter, Brian King, Betsy Close and Bill Heard, they all dismissed me and have fully supported Mr. Warner. When an elder, Mr. Brian King, Bridgeport Community Chapel, found out I was seeking a legal separation, he said, ?Kathy [Coral] are you aware of the sexual temptation you will put your husband through if you go through with this?? His question traumatized me as I reflected on my role as Mr. Warner?s wife for the past twenty years.? It also aroused my fears for my daughters.? Brian & Kathy King supported Mr. Warner during the period I had a restraining order and charged their legal fees on my attorney?s bill. They never compensated me for their bill.

Dr. Raquel Bergen writes, ?In a study of battered women, Bowker (1983) found that they ranked clergy members as the least helpful of those to whom they had turned for assistance.

Marijo Sutter, supporter of Mr. Warner and wife of Pastor Ron Sutter, Monmouth, Oregon, was questioned by custody evaluators for court in 1996.? She stated, ?Mr. Marty Warner is a great father.?? She knew me for a period of one month. Mr. Warner stayed with Pastor Ron and Marijo Sutter, during the two week period I had a restraining order.? He told them he was impoverished, even though his estate at that time was worth ? million dollars.

Escaping an abusive marriage is no easy task for many evangelical women, many of whom have pastors that say physical and mental abuse is no reason for divorce.

Since seeking safety from my ex-husband,
Mr. Marty Warner, Independence, Oregon,
my ex-husband has legally stalked and sued
me, i.e., 42 court related hearings since 1995,
including his appeal to the Oregon State of
Appeals. I've had no attorney help since '97.

Court Hearings

In February 1996, I visited both Dr. Michael May and Dr. Roger Jacobson in Corvallis, Oregon, for psychological exams to be used in court as evidence of my mental health and well-being. They were relieved to hear I had survived my breakdown and were supportive of my decision to divorce my husband. Dr. Michael May commented that he believed my previous breakdown would have only been a three month episode, instead of nearly two years, with the proper help and the absence of ritual, mental, physical abuse, rape and two pregnancies.

Judge Albin Norblad

I went through a three-day temporary custody hearing, February 28 - March 1, 1996. Judge Albin Norblad heard the testimony of my psychiatrists. Their testimony validated my recovery from my breakdown. Their recommendation, to the Court, was that the younger children remain in my custody.

In court, Judge Norblad stated his intent was to leave the younger children with me. My physician and friends were present and heard Judge Norblad make this statement. However, the following week Judge Norblad signed a court order abruptly removing my younger children, including my nursing infant, Zachary, from me. In the letter from the Court, dated March 5, 1996, Judge Norblad states, "her experts (psychiatrists) testified that she is now well." Judge Norblad, contrary to what he told me and my attorneys in court, nevertheless, awarded all eight of our children to my former husband, including my nursing infant. My physician was shocked at the judge?s decision and said, ?removing a nursing infant from a mother is equivalent to castrating a man.?

I was allowed to visit my baby and younger children in the family home two weekends a month.

In 1998, I could no longer sustain the abuse and sexual assaults that I suffered from Mr. Marty Warner that were a result of my ?court ordered visitation? of my children. I went under a state address protection program per the recommendations of my physicians and mentors. Mr. Warner physically abused my young children due to the fact that they loved me and wanted to run away to live with me.

My own attorney, Mr. David Gearing, of Portland, Oregon, made me promise him in Court that I would never make any disparaging comments to my children about their father. I have tried to teach my children to respect everyone's right to their religious belief. However, when someone uses their religious beliefs to harm, hurt or abuse another human being, then I believe we should teach our children to protect themselves from that person. Through Gag Orders by the Court, society and my attorney set my children up for abuse.

Respect My Religion

How can one respect a religion with ideas that harm other human beings? We are often asked to "respect people's religions." In the first place, many religious ideas are very disrespectful to human beings and are not worthy of respect. Secondly, what about people respecting our religion in return?

How can one respect a religion with ideas that harm other human
beings? We are often asked to "respect people's religions." In the
first place, many religious ideas are very disrespectful to human
beings and are not worthy of respect. Secondly, what about people
respecting our religion in return?

On December 5, 2000, I received a letter from my ex-husband, Mr. Marty Warner of Independence, Oregon:

?You have shared with me both in our conversations and in your letters, and have demonstrated, that you currently do not share the same values or spiritual perspective as those of our family. That certainly is your prerogative. However, due to our present significant differences in values and faith, it is understandably difficult for you to be supportive of our family?s goals, values and vision. Consequently, your interaction with the children tends to bring about considerable confusion, disharmony and, though you certainly do not intend it, is quite disruptive and counter-productive. Rather, I am trying to answer your question and practice discernment and judgment concerning the effectiveness and fruitfulness of your calling or visiting with the children at this time.?

Since 1999, no contact, calls, letters, gifts or visits with my children have been allowed per my ex-husband and his attorney?s demands through the court.? In America, a parent can be banned from seeing their own children because they do not attend a cult or condone cult behavior.? (Author?s Note:?Brainwashing is only effective as long as there is no outside interference.)

The fact that I do not agree with Mr. Warner?s misogynist, patriarchal and cult mentality does not make me unspiritual or a bad role model for my children.? I believe that teaching my children healthy thinking patterns regarding abuse issues is disruptive and inconvenient for Mr. Warner and his cult leaders, NOT THE CHILDREN!

I thought after my divorce in 1997, the courtroom trauma would be finally over.? I was na?ve.? My court and legal trauma had only begun.? Mr. Warner does not believe in losing, and even though he had full custody of all eight children, my divorcing him was a great loss of face (and free labor).? He and his attorney would attempt to teach me who was in control.? There would be no relationship with my children unless I was under my ex-husband?s total control and submitting to his abuse.? Dr. Barbara May, my mentor since 1997, said my ex-husband, Mr. Marty Warner, had not only mastered abuse, he appeared, from his actions, to have the ?Ph.D. in power, control and abuse issues.?3

Although my children have erased me from their life, I am not dead, I am very much alive, and I have a face, and a name.

Gloria Steinem

I have been and will always be very involved in their life, even if it is only through prayer. I am praying that someday my children will choose to become "aware, awake and conscious" concerning details of their past and present. Their lack of awareness regarding their own life will greatly affect those around them. I pray my children will find good role models and mentors. I also pray that someday my children will find the courage to walk through the unpleasant details of their past.

Many of the pastors and Christians my children have chosen to socialize and worship with, embrace and support their father, Mr. Marty Warner, a man who has committed criminal acts against his former wife and children. This does not support my children's well-being, only their delusion of themselves and their family. 4

You will never know where you are going unless you truly understand where you came from. It is important to take care of the "contamination of the past."

Gloria Steinem spoke about domestic violence at the 40th Anniversary of Ms. Magazine on October 11, 2012. She stated that since 9/11 there have been more women killed by their husbands and boyfriends than all the Americans killed in Iraq & Afghanistan and the 9/11 attack combined. You can hear her speech at:

"The home and our country is the single most dangerous place for woman - it is not the street." ??Gloria Steinem

Sex and World Peace:? How the Treatment of Women Affects Development and Security by Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett?? ?
The evidence is clear: The best predictor of a state's stability is how its women are treated.

?The larger the gender gap between the treatment of men and women in a society, the more likely a country is to be involved in intra- and interstate conflict, to be the first to resort to force in such conflicts, and to resort to higher levels of violence. On issues of national health, economic growth, corruption, and social welfare, the best predictors are also those that reflect the situation of women. What happens to women affects the security, stability, prosperity, bellicosity, corruption, health, regime type, and (yes) the power of the state. The days when one could claim that the situation of women had nothing to do with matters of national or international security are, frankly, over. The empirical results to the contrary are just too numerous and too robust to ignore.

?But as we look around at the world, the situation of women is anything but secure. Our database rates countries based on several categories of women's security from 0 (best) to 4 (worst).

The world average is 3.04, attesting to the widespread and persistent violence perpetrated against women worldwide, even among the most developed and freest countries. The United States, for instance, scores a 2 on this scale, due to the relative prevalence of domestic violence and rape." - Valerie Hudson, Sex and World Peace 5

States in which women are subjected to violence and uncontested male rule at home, where women are not allowed equal freedoms and rights to bodily integrity, privacy, and equal protection under the law, are those most likely to engage in violence as nations.


Anyone can Endure Tyranny but it takes True Courage to Embrace Freedom

To this day, I remember the terrifying fear I felt for years as a child and also during my marriage that had me lying awake shaking some nights.? Every form of abuse has a long lasting effect on each one of us. Revictimization 2009 Pandora?s Project by Louise 6

I no longer embrace the ideological rigidity and doctrines of patriarchal religions and fundamental ?Christianity,? but wish to help those who are being abused ?in the name of God.? My script for my life involves wholeness, dignity, honor and self-respect.? I am at peace with my life and my past and have learned that as I honor myself, I honor God.

I remind those around me to not forget the millions of women and children who are veterans of intimate wars and private anguish and for whom terror at home is business as usual.? One in four women will experience violence at the hands of their partner at some time in their lives and one in three women will be the victim of sexual assault.

The shame of my abuse lies upon the community who refuses to help or stop it. Domestic violence and abuse begins in the minds of a community that allows and accepts it.

The kind of violence, abuse and suppression perpetrated by so many of our organized religions and government agencies is truly shocking and can only continue by our refusal to look AT IT rather than the OTHER WAY.

A victim's first scream is for help, a victim?s second scream is for justice.

This series...

The Dark Side of Fr. Oregon Representative Betsy Close and Joe Paterno: Depraved & Inhumane Part 1

The Dark Side of Fr. Oregon Representative Betsy Close and Joe Paterno: Depraved & Inhumane Part 2

How I Became a Brood Mare and Egg Donor for the Church and State: Rape is Torture - Part 3

My Body Feels like a Crime Scene: Invisible Victims - Part 4

Battered and Raped in the Name of God: Fundamental Christians Condone Crimes against Women & Children - Part 5

Documentation & Letters:?

1 "When Those Who Are Supposed to Help You Get Out - Don't"
Written by Maria De Santis of the Women?s Justice Center, Santa Rosa, CA?
The Patriarchy Still Rules! And Still Needs to be Upended!?
The glaring blind spot is rooted deep in the self-preservation mechanisms of patriarchal rule.

2 Why Do You Stay:? Traumatic Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome

3 Narcissists & Psychopaths Cause PTSD for their Victims

4 What the Bible Says About Rape by Valerie Tarico

5 Sex and World Peace by Valerie Hudson

Sex and World Peace: Or, What Little Girls Have to Do with Our Wars by Soraya Chemaly

6 Revictimization 2009 Pandora?s Project by Louise

Radio Program:? Listen to Coral Theill?s guest appearance on the ?Abuse Freedom Live? Radio Program, August 19, 2012

May-8-2010: A Mother Does Not Forget Her Children: First March on Washington for Mothers of Lost Children - Coral Anika Theill

May-10-2010: SILENT VIGIL AT WHITE HOUSE: Mothers of Lost Children - Coral Anika Theill

May-12-2007: Abuse Under the Watch of Oregon's Justice System - Tim King Salem-

Nov-29-2007: Welcome to Oregon: Land of Domestic Abuse Endorsement - Coral Anika Theill Special to

Nov-28-2007: Marital Rape and Abuse Victim Seeks Justice From Oregon's Governor - Coral Anika Theill Special to

May-10-2009: Oregon Should Consider Coral Theill this Mother's Day - Tim King

May-29-2008: What Abuse Survivors Expect from the Portland Crime Victims Conference - Tim King

Feb. 26, 2010: "The Gift of Healing is Our Birthright - What an Advocate Looks Like" - Coral Anika Theill Special to

Jan. 11, 2012 Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Calls on Congress to Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act

Coral Theill?s Military Articles at link

Coral Anika Theill, reporter and advocate, is author of "BONSHEA: Making Light of the Dark." Her published works address abuse, trauma recovery and healing from post-traumatic stress and most recently, wounded Marines, the Warrior Games and Montford Point Marines. Her writings have encouraged and inspired numerous trauma victims and wounded Marines/soldiers recovering from PTS and TBI. Coral's positive insights as a survivor have also earned the respect of clinical therapists, advocates, attorneys, professors and authors. BONSHEA has been used as a college text for nursing students at Linfield College, Portland, Oregon and can be ordered at:, or Email:

"Those who serve may already know the toll of having to kill or be killed, but civilian society should also recognize that those who go into battle defending our way of life pay a price. I feel a deep gratitude to our servicemen and women and believe our society needs to do more to respect, understand and support those returning from deployment in conflict zones.????Coral Anika Theill, Contributing Writer for Leatherneck Magazine

The Commandant of the Marine Corps on Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury and Invisible Battle Scars: Confronting the Stigma of PTS and TBI



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Hansard Society finds that Public satisfaction with media reporting of ...

Hansard Society finds that Public satisfaction with media reporting of politics increases: But tabloids do little to advance political engagement of their?readers

Posted by danjackson on November 28, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

But tabloids do little to advance political engagement of their readers


Audit of Political Engagement 9, Part Two?finds that the coverage of politics in all media, but the tabloid media in particular, contributes to a sense of fatalism among citizens about their capacity to influence the political process. Broadsheet readers, even controlling for demographic differences, are more likely to be politically engaged and feel they can exercise influence in the political process. But there is little evidence that tabloid newspapers help stimulate the political engagement of their readers, relative even to those who read no newspaper at all (data below in editors notes).


At the Leveson Inquiry, the views of leading politicians, journalist, academics and celebrities are being heard. The Audit explores what the public think about the relationship between politics and the media.


The research shows:

  • 63% of the public (and 70% of tabloid readers) say tabloids ?look for any excuse to tarnish the name of politicians??? compared to 20% for broadsheets, 21% for TV programmes and 12% for radio programmes


  • 63% of the public (and 71% of tabloid readers) say tabloids ?focus on negative stories about politics and politicians? ? compared to 21% for broadsheets, 29% for TV programmes and 14% for radio programmes


  • 68% of the public (and 74% of tabloid readers) say tabloids ?are more interested in getting a good story than telling the truth? ? compared to 23% for broadsheets, 26% for TV programmes and 14% for radio programmes


When it comes to positive attributes, the research shows that TV programmes were judged to be ahead of the other forms of media. But the public do not give TV a ringing endorsement: only four or five in 10 people agree that it is fair in its representation of politics and helps the public learn about what is happening in politics.

  • 38% of the public say TV programmes ?do a good job of keeping politicians accountable for their conduct? ? compared to 34% for broadsheets, 29% for tabloids and 19% for radio programmes


  • 41% of the public say TV programmes ?are generally fair in their representation of politicians? ? compared to 27% for broadsheets, 15% for tabloids and 20% for radio programmes


  • 55% of the public say TV programmes ?help the public to learn about what is happening in politics? ? compared to 37% for broadsheets, 25% for tabloids and 26% for radio programmes


Previous Audit research has consistently revealed that most citizens are observers of, rather than active participants in, the political process and the media is the principal conduit by which they conduct that observation of politics. Audit 9 research shows that television is overwhelmingly the most common channel of communication (75%) for political news and information ? with tabloids (27%), radio (26%), news websites (20%), broadsheets (16%) and social media (6%) a long way behind.


Throughout the nine-year annual Audit lifecycle, the media is the institution that the British public consistently believes has the most impact on their lives. This year?s Audit explores what kind of influence the public believe the media actually has on politics, the electorate and those they elect to office:


  • 74% believe the media influences how people vote
  • 60% believe the media influences the topics politicians debate in Parliament
  • 54% believe the media influences the decisions politicians make


Dr Ruth Fox, Director of Research at the Hansard Society and joint author of?Audit of Political Engagement 9, Part Two, commented:


?The media plays a vital role in our democracy, providing citizens with access to and information about politics. Newspapers typically claim a right to freedom from regulation in the interests of democracy. But these findings suggest that the media ? particularly the tabloids ? do not greatly benefit our democracy from the perspective of nourishing political engagement.


Given the influence that the public thinks the media has, and the demonstrable link between readership and political engagement, the media ought to bear some responsibility for the consequences of its coverage of the democratic process and the willingness of citizens to engage in it. That power and influence should be balanced by some sort of independent, public interest, regulatory framework ? supported by a more effective sanctions regime ? which recognises and is designed to stimulate the responsibilities of the press alongside its rights within our democracy.?


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Lindsay Lohan arrested after fight at New York nightclub

Lindsay Lohan was arrested this morning, this time after a fight at a nightclub in the Chelsea section of New York City, police said.

Assault charges are currently pending for the 26-year-old actress following the fight at Club Avenue on 10th Avenue and 17 th street at around 4 a.m. She was taken to New York's 10 th precinct where she is now being questioned and processed, according to WABC.

Lohan allegedly punched a woman during a dispute that escalated. The actress, a regular at the club, was banned earlier this year following an incident in which she tweeted about Justin Timberlake, WABC reported.

VIDEO: Lindsay Lohan to Agents: 'Keep Me on Set, It's Safer That Way'

Thursday's arrest follows Lohan's previous arrest in September outside a nearby nightclub inside the Dream Hotel, when a pedestrian claimed the starlet hit him with her car and did not stop. The Manhattan District Attorney's Office declined to prosecute that case.

In late September Lohan was also involved in a hotel-room quarrel that began over a set of cell phone photos allegedly taken by a part time Congressional aide. After Lohan claimed the aide, Christian LaBella, had assaulted her, he was arrested, but the misdemeanor charges against him were later dropped.

On Sunday Lohan's Lifetime film "Liz & Dick," in which she portrays Elizabeth Taylor, premiered, and was watched by a soft 3.5 million viewers. The film was positioned as the actress' comeback following years of trouble with the law.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

ANN ARBOR: University of Michigan ranks highest public university spender for research and development

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Inside the Newsroom @ Reporter and News-Leader

Staff writers at The Saline Reporter and Milan News-Leader write about their beats, sharing their thoughts and insights while covering local events and issues in both communities, and adding local photos and video.

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Software License Optimization: The Power of Software Licensing ...

By Martin Kurzinski

I was just speaking with a customer the other day about optimizing their software spend while mitigating the risk of license compliance audits.? The customer then asked about taking this process to the next level.?How can they project savings from software license optimization moving
forward?? IT environments are always changing.? We discussed several factors that make managing software licenses a continued challenge, including:

  • Changes in technology? e.g. application virtualization, Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing
  • Changes in license models? e.g. SQL Server processor based to core based licensing, changes in roaming use rights, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) licensing changes, etc.
  • Optimizing hardware dependent license models?how do I choose the most cost effective hardware/software combination?
  • Time and cost to implement a change to the environment?organizations need to evaluate the licensing impact of a change, prior to completing work, to minimize cost and risk
  • Determining the effect on multiple software licenses due to a change to the environment ? e.g. operating system, application, and infrastructure software licenses
  • Moves/Adds/Changes?support both Planned and Urgent ?Request For Change? service requests
  • Planning for future growth?the need for trend analysis information to understand the cost impact of growth

Decisions made today can impact your software license position without you being aware until it is too late or you incur significant time and cost to revert the changes.? The concept of a license simulation is to provide you with a software license position prior to invoking any change.? This
?What If? analysis allows you to simulate the changes you plan to make and understand the impact on software licensing. For example, you may consider moving several Microsoft SQL database instances to a virtual farm ? the move can obviously reduce hardware cost, but what will that change do to your SQL Server license cost?? A processor based license may increase the per instance cost, so much so, that it can cost more than the savings in hardware.? However you may also reduce operating system costs.?Does the change make financial sense?

With a software licensing simulation capability, you can model your changes and instantly see the impact on managed licenses.? Changes include:

  • Changes to hardware, for example, adding additional processors, logical partitions, etc.
  • Adding/moving/removing hardware from your environment
  • Adding/deleting software from existing computers
  • Moving software from one computer to another, including movements of virtual machines
  • Server clustering, active, passive, non-production, and backup roles, etc.

In the figure shown below, the impact of any of the described changes will be reflected in the license summary report.? This license summary details the changes from original license consumption, proposed new consumption, change in consumption, financial impact in dollars and the license compliance position itself (in breach vs. compliant).


Figure 1: What If Analysis License Summary Report

The simulation report provides you with the information needed to make the best business decisions and optimize your software spend while maintaining license compliance.? License simulations can help you better manage:

  • Organizational growth
  • Changes in the IT environment
  • Technology advances

and assist in minimizing the impact of new software license models.

What changes do you foresee in your environment?? Is your organization moving to application virtualization?? Do you support server clustering?? Have you calculated the financial impact on licensing?? Hardware can be relatively inexpensive compared to software costs, yet many organizations do little analysis on how future changes will affect their software license position.? Now you can be proactive about software license management and optimization.


To learn more, please visit our website.


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Toxic couches? Flame retardants on the rise in furniture, study finds ...

Flame retardants in U.S. furniture are on the rise, with a new study finding them in nearly all couches tested.


The findings, published on Nov. 28, confirm that household furniture remains a major source of a variety of flame retardants, some of which have been building up in people?s bodies and in the environment.


In the new tests, three out of every four couches purchased before 2005 contained the chemicals, with a now-banned compound in 39 percent. For newer couches, about 94 percent contained flame retardants, nearly all next-generation compounds with little known about their potential health effects.


"More furniture appears to be treated with flame retardants today than, say, 15 years ago," said Heather Stapleton, an environmental chemist at Duke University and lead author of the project, which also included researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and Boston University.


In a separate study also published on Nov. 28, researchers found that dust in California homes is contaminated with levels of flame retardants that exceed health risk guidelines developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Some of the chemicals have been linked to cancer, altered hormones or neurological effects in lab animals, fetuses and children. Whether there are health risks from many of the newer flame retardants, however, is largely unknown, and most furniture does not carry labels that provide information to consumers.



The scientists discovered one chemical in sofas that had never been reported before as a flame retardant.


"There is little to no information about the potential health effects of these new flame retardants in the peer-reviewed literature," said Heather Patisaul of North Carolina State University, who studies endocrine-disrupting chemicals but was not involved in the research.


A spokesperson from the American Chemistry Council, which represents flame retardant manufacturers, said ?this study confirms what we would expect to find: Furniture manufacturers use approved flame retardants to meet established fire safety standards, which help save lives. There is no data in this study that indicate that the levels of flame retardants found would cause any human health problems."


The use of flame retardants is traced to a California standard adopted in the 1970s, which mandates that foam used in furniture cushions must withstand a 12-second exposure to a small, open flame. Because the market in California is so large, much of the nation's furniture is manufactured with flame retardants to meet that standard.


The scientists tested 102 couches purchased between 1985 and 2010 in the first study that has examined flame retardants that have come onto the market since 2005. The foam samples were not randomly selected, so the results might not represent the United States as a whole, the authors said in their article published in the journal Environmental Science and Toxicology.


In all, 85 percent contained flame retardants. In tests of couches purchased over the past seven years, the chemicals were even more prevalent: about 94 percent compared with 75 percent for those purchased between 1985 and 2004.


Tris, a suspected human carcinogen that was banned for use in baby pajamas in the 1970s, was the most prevalent compound in the couches; it was found in 41 percent.


The separate study from the Massachusetts-based Silent Spring Institute, published in the same journal, found two different mixtures of Tris in dust in each of the 16 California homes studied.


PentaBDE was found in 17 percent of the couches. The chemical was phased out in the United States in 2005 after studies showed it was building up rapidly in human breast milk. In the tests of couches purchased prior to 2005, PentaBDE was the most common flame retardant, at 39 percent.


Tris was found in 24 percent of sofas purchased before 2005. But in couches bought after that, it was found in 52 percent, showing that it has become increasingly popular since PentaBDE was phased out.


Before 2005, PentaBDEs and Tris, also known as TDCPP, were the only flame retardants used in U.S. furniture, Stapleton said. Since then, chemical companies have developed several replacements, and scientists have struggled to keep pace with studying their health risks.


"Today, we know of at least six different mixtures being used as flame retardants in furniture," Stapleton said. "And we know less about the health effects of these flame retardants compared to PBDEs and TDCPP."


Firemaster 550, made by Chemtura, was found in 18 percent of couches tested. In February the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency put two of Firemaster 550's key ingredients on a list for review due to potential health concerns.


Mixtures of different kinds of chemicals were found in 13 percent of couches from 2005 or later. One is known as TBPP, which the authors say is the first report of its use as a flame retardant.


"This study highlights the fact that there are several new flame retardant chemicals replacing PBDEs in consumer products, most of which we have little to no human health data, which is concerning," said Lesliam Quir?s-Alcal? of the University of California, Berkeley, who studies flame retardants in house dust but was not part of the new study.



By December, the last PBDE mixture in consumer products, DecaBDE, is scheduled for phase-out, but PBDEs will linger in older couches and in people.


"Given their environmental, and biological persistence, they are likely to join the legacy POPs [persistent organic pollutants], like PCBs and DDT, in being with us for the foreseeable future," said Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program.


Flame retardants are semi-volatile and do not stay in cushions. Toddlers and young children who crawl on the floor are highly exposed through dust. Research from Stapleton's lab has linked levels of PentaBDEs on toddlers? hands to the blood levels in their bodies.


Birnbaum said dust tainted by the couches and other household items is ?a major route of exposure to people."



"Low-income families may keep their furniture for longer, prolonging exposure to phased-out chemicals," Quir?s-Alcal? said.


Concentrations of the chemicals in couches averaged 4 to 5 percent by weight, but some couches had over 11 percent.


Ironically, these levels of flame retardants may not stop a house fire. "There is growing evidence that at the concentrations used in products, they are not protective against fires," Birnbaum said.


California is currently debating a new standard that would reduce the use of flame retardants in furniture.

Consumers hoping to avoid flame retardant-laced furniture are often left in the dark. Furniture manufacturers are often unable to say if their products contain flame retardants because foam padding comes from a vendor, who in turn buys chemicals used to treat it from yet another vendor. Precise information is often protected under law as proprietary.


A couch with a California TB 117 label indicates the presence of flame retardants, but a couch without such a label doesn't mean there are no flame retardants, the scientists found. Of couches without a label, 57 percent contained them.


"Consumers should be aware of what types of chemicals are replacing PBDEs so they can make informed choices when purchasing couches and other furniture," Patisaul said. "The free market system is a fundamental economic and philosophical pillar of our society that is usurped when consumers cannot effectively evaluate the chemical composition of what they are purchasing."



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10 Things to Know for Wednesday

FILE - This July 14, 2012 file photo shows Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi laugh during a photo opportunity at their meeting at the Presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt. The US has been here before with Egypt, praising its leader for championing Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts while expressing deep concern over his commitment to democracy at home. But with options limited, the Obama administration is keeping its faith in President Mohammed Morsi. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, File)

FILE - This July 14, 2012 file photo shows Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi laugh during a photo opportunity at their meeting at the Presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt. The US has been here before with Egypt, praising its leader for championing Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts while expressing deep concern over his commitment to democracy at home. But with options limited, the Obama administration is keeping its faith in President Mohammed Morsi. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 21, 2012, file photo, President Barack Obama speaks about the Thanksgiving holiday in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. The White House said Tuesday, Nov. 27, that the president plans to make a public case this week for his strategy for dealing with the looming fiscal cliff, traveling to the Philadelphia suburbs Friday as he pressures Republicans to allow tax increases on the wealthy while extending tax cuts for families earning $250,000 or less. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

In this Oct. 1, 2012 photo, Kayla Saucedo, an 8th grader at Anson Jones Middle School, uses her new ID card to check out a book in the library in San Antonio, Texas. The San Antonio school district's website was hacked over the weekend to protest its policy requiring students to wear microchip-embedded cards tracking their every move on campus. A teenager purportedly working with the hacker group Anonymous said in an online statement that he took the site down because the Northside school district "is stripping away the privacy of students in your school." All students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School are required to carry identification cards embedded with a microchip. They are tracked by the dozens of electronic readers installed in the schools' ceiling panels. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, Bob Owen) RUMBO DE SAN ANTONIO OUT; NO SALES

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and stories that will be talked about Wednesday:


The Egyptian leader ? despite questions about his commitment to democracy ? remains a key American partner in brokering peace between Israel and its neighbors.


As the clock ticks on the "fiscal cliff," many in the party ? emboldened by the election ? no longer want to consider cuts that once were on the bargaining table.


The $500 million pot is the second-highest in lottery history, behind only the $656 million Mega Millions prize in March.


The would-be secretary of state will meet with two more GOP senators Wednesday amid fresh concern about comments she made after the Benghazi attack.


Four women sue to overturn a Pentagon rule barring females from being assigned to ground combat units.


Water levels have fallen to near-record lows on Lakes Michigan and Huron.


The U.S. and Israel strongly oppose the resolution, which would add weight to Palestinian claims for a state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.


Consumer confidence rose in November as home values increased and gas prices fell.


Microchips embedded in ID cards ? a purported safety measure ? will be "the next wave" in schools, one expert says.


Las Vegas is building a zip line that will spit tourists out of an 11-story slot machine and send them hurtling five blocks.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Electrical Engineering alumni has successful career in sales ...

While many consider the study and application of engineering to be a branch of science involved only with design and structures, James Contardi,Jim Contardi?1985 Iowa State electrical engineering alumnus, argues that engineering is more of a way of thinking. Contardi?s extensive career has brought him around the world and back, allowing him to grow primarily in the area of sales and sales management; something he feels is an important skill for all engineers.

Originally from Minneapolis, Minn., Contardi decided to attend Iowa State after high school, following in his father?s footsteps by declaring himself as an electrical engineering student.

After his sophomore year, Contardi served two summers as an intern for Control Data, now General Dynamics, in his hometown of Minneapolis. He spent two summers at the internship, using advanced CAD tools to create circuitry on computers for the defense department. While this work proved to be interesting, it taught Contardi that this was not something he wanted to make a career of.

During his senior year at Iowa State, Contardi attended one of the many career fairs held over the course of the year. There, he noticed a variety of companies searching for engineering students to fill technical sales positions.

?I recognized that sales wasn?t a strength of mine,? explains Contardi, ?but I knew being able to sell was important so I thought that a position like this would be a great opportunity for me to grow right out of college.?

After interviewing with IBM, he landed an entry-level sales position in Dallas, Texas. One of the highlights of the position included working on the General Motors account, IBM?s largest account worldwide at the time. Over the course of his nine years with IBM, Contardi advanced to sales manager after the company financed his MBA education through Southern Methodist University.

Reflecting on his experience, the importance of knowing how to sell is something he hopes engineering students will understand. ?They are going to be working for companies or other entities in the business world, and regardless of their title, they will all need to know how to sell,? he explains. ?Whether they are selling their ideas, selling their skills, or promoting their ideas, it?s a necessary ability to have.?

When IBM began to go through some changes, Contardi opted to join startup PC Service Source, serving as vice president of sales. PC Service Source specialized in managing out-sourced supply chain activities for the high tech industry. During this time, PC Service Source made the Business Week ?Hot 100? fast growing companies list.

Four years later, Contardi left the startup and accepted a job with i2 Technologies, a supply chain management software company. Entering the company as a sales manager, Contardi did an extensive amount of traveling, ultimately moving to London to serve as president of the European business.

Now back in the States, Contardi?s has sought out another new challenge. He currently works for First Data Corporation as senior vice president of product solutions and strategic sales, or head of one of the sales divisions for the company. Contardi is in his fourth year with First Data, a corporation well known for its global payment processing that is positioning it to capitalize on the coming wave of mobile payments technology.

As he now lives in Atlanta, Ga., where First Data is headquartered, Contardi finds it difficult to make regular trips make to Iowa State. He does however find time to check in with many of the university?s athletic programs, finding joy in the fact that the football team is once-again nationally ranked.

Contardi says he has many fond memories of Iowa State and wishes the best for young engineers studying there today.

?Students should be mindful of the fact that engineering is a way of thinking that can be applied to classic engineering problems as well as any sort of problem,? he explains. ?Being an engineer is a good discipline to have, regardless of how you plan to apply it.?


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Despite talk of compromise, fiscal deal elusive

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Talk of compromise on a broad budget deal greeted returning lawmakers Monday, but agreement still seemed distant as the White House and congressional Republicans ceded little ground on a key sticking point: whether to raise revenue through higher tax rates or by limiting tax breaks and deductions.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, pressed his case for revenue derived by reducing tax loopholes rather than raising tax rates on wealthy taxpayers, as President Barack Obama insists.

Boehner, voicing the Republican stance, said: "The American people support an approach that involves both major spending cuts and additional revenue via tax reform with lower tax rates."

At the White House, Obama spokesman Jay Carney reiterated the president's pledge not to sign legislation that extends current tax rates to the top 2 percent of income earners ? households with incomes over $250,000. "That is a firm position," Carney said.

Congress and Obama have until the end of the year to avoid across-the-board tax increases that would do away with rates set during the administration of President George W. Bush and restore higher tax rates in place during President Bill Clinton's administration when the economy was robust and the federal government had a budget surplus.

White House and congressional leadership aides said Obama spoke separately with House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over the weekend. The aides would not reveal details of the conversations. Obama last met with the bipartisan congressional leadership to discuss the fiscal cliff on Nov. 16. No new meetings have been announced.

Boehner and other GOP leaders planned to meet Wednesday with members of a bipartisan coalition of former members of Congress and business leaders that has advocated cuts in spending in major health care programs as well as changes in the tax code to raise more money but also to lower rates.

Obama met with some members of that same coalition earlier this month. Top officials from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and from the Business Roundtable met with senior White House aides on Monday.

In addition to looming tax hikes, the new year could also result in steep spending cuts in defense and domestic programs. Lawmakers and the White House fear that such a combined "fiscal cliff" would undercut the military and set back an economic recovery. Republicans say that while they are open to revenue increases, Obama also has to agree to reductions in entitlement spending, particularly in massive health care programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

Carney on Monday said Obama was open to changes in those programs, but said Obama does not want to address Social Security as part of the fiscal cliff discussions.

"The president has long made clear that he is open to discussions about strengthening Social Security as part of a separate track," Carney said, adding that Social Security is not contributing to the deficit.

Looking to buttress their case on taxes, White House economists warned Monday that the uncertainty of a potential hike in taxes next year for middle class taxpayers could hurt consumer confidence during the crucial holiday shopping season.

In a new report, President Barack Obama's National Economic Council and his Council of Economic Advisers said that if lawmakers don't halt the automatic increase in taxes for households earning less than $250,000, consumers might even curtail their shopping during the current holiday season.

"As we approach the holiday season, which accounts for close to one-fifth of industry sales, retailers can't afford the threat of tax increases on middle-class families," the report said.

Meanwhile, the stock market edged lower in the morning as the outcome of the budget talks remained inconclusive.

Retailers such as Macy's, Target and Saks were down, amid fears that consumers might cut back this season. But the National Retail Federation reported earlier that 247 million shoppers visited stores and shopping websites during the long Thanksgiving weekend, up 9 percent from a year ago. They spent an average of $423, up 6 percent.

The White House report also said a sudden increase in taxes for middle-income taxpayers would reduce consumer spending in 2013 by nearly $200 billion, significantly slowing the economic recovery.

The figures echo estimates by private forecasters and by the Congressional Budget Office.

According to the report, a married couple earning between $50,000 and $85,000 with two children would see a $2,200 increase in their taxes.

Congressional Republicans, led by Boehner, have said they are open to including discussions about additional revenue but have balked at any plan that raises tax rates on the wealthy. They argue that the higher rates would also hit some small businesses, stifling economic growth.

Instead, they have advocated changes in the tax code that would eliminate tax breaks and loopholes that primarily benefit the wealthy. Several key Republican lawmakers have also said they would not be bound by a no-tax-increase pledge that they have adhered to in the past.

Tennessee GOP Sen. Bob Corker is circulating a bill claiming $4.5 trillion in deficit savings over the coming decade, including $749 billion in higher tax revenue by capping itemized deductions at $50,000, a proposal that hits wealthier taxpayers the hardest.

Corker's plan ? shared with the White House and congressional leaders ? contains a roster of other budget proposals, including a less generous inflation adjustment for Social Security, and a gradual increase in Social Security eligibility to 68, and 67 for Medicare. Upper income earners also would pay more for Medicare.

But Carney said the tax revenue sought by Obama can't be achieved by simply restricting tax deductions

"Math tells us that you can't get the kind of balanced approach that you need without having rates be part of the equation," he said. "We haven't seen a proposal that achieves that, a realistic proposal that achieves that."


Associated Press writer Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Hailey Dominguez Shot Near Bronx Home ? 5-year-Old Ballerina In ...

Hailey Domingues Shot Bronx

Hailey?Dominguez is in a medically-induced coma after being hit in the lungs by a stray bullet in the early morning of Nov. 25 near her family?s Bronx apartment.

A little girl was walking home from a baby shower with her family early in the morning on Nov. 25, when a stray bullet struck her in the stomach and pierced her lungs. Hailey Dominguez, 5, is in stable condition, but remains in a coma.

According to police, Hailey was shot just outside of her family?s apartment around 1 a.m. on Nov. 25, although authorities don?t believe she or her family were the target.

Hailey, her mom, and 8-year-old brother had just stepped out of a cab they took home from a friend?s baby shower when shots went off, the New York Daily News is reporting.

The bullet passed through her stomach and pierced her lung. She was rushed to?nearby St. Barnabas Hospital, and then later transferred to Morgan Stanley Children?s Hospital in Washington Heights.?Although she is in a coma, her condition is stable.

?She was dancing at the party. She had a little dress on,??Edwin Roman, Hailey?s mom?s boyfriend, told the New York Daily News. ?She likes to dance ? she?s a little ballerina.?

?I don?t know why this happened,? Hailey?s father, Jonathan Dominguez?said. ?She?s going to be okay ? thank God.?

Angel Morales, 18, has been arrested and charged with attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon in connection with the shooting.

Such a tragedy. We hope Hailey makes a speedy recovery. What do YOU think of this tragic case HollyMoms?

? Christina Stiehl

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The Legal Infrastructure of Business: Certified B Corp: An option ...

Investors often say, ?I don?t care what the company does as long as it makes me money?. However, there is a growing group of investors that don?t feel that way. They want to make a social or environmental impact with their investments. Until now, it has been difficult to find reliable information on a company?s overall impact on society. Certified B Corporations are looking to make this information more transparent and reliable.

What is a Certified B Corporation?

Social entrepreneurs have historically chosen between creating a non-profit and a for-profit entity to run their business. Non-profit structures limit scalability because they don?t allow direct distribution of profits to shareholders, while choosing a for-profit structure means focus solely on financial performance of its shareholders.

B Corporations construct a different framework that allows free market investment for socially conscious companies and ensures they consider the impact to financial, social and environmental issues on its business. Critically, B Corporations must be certified by independent evaluators to meet established standards. There are no tax benefits as a result of this legal structure, but the movement is gaining increased visibility. It is now a law in 12 states, including Illinois, which passed in August 2012.

Why become a B Corporation?

The B Corporation concept was kick started by B Lab, a non-profit that defines the standards and monitors Certified B Corps, and was co-founded by Jay Cohen Gilbert, a former CEO of AND 1, Bart Houlahan, former CFO and COO of AND 1, and Andrew Kessoy, a partner in a private equity firm. They believe that it is necessary to evolve capitalism to encompass more than just fiduciary duties to shareholders. While the free market has done remarkably well focusing solely on profits, businesses of the future needs to consider more than just the financial impacts of their decisions to create a sustainable society.

Without legal definitions and standards of conduct with third party certification, there is not much meat on the bone of any company claiming to be ?green? or ?sustainable?.? It can just be good marketing campaigns but little tangible benefit. ?Being a Certified B Corp means that the company has been measured against a consistent definition and the results are disclosed online.

Being a C-corp limits the ability to decide business priorities. For example, Delaware law has ruled in the 2011 case of Ebay v Craigslist that C Corps only have one focus ? to maximize shareholder value. If a company wishes to consider other aspects of the decision, either social or environmental, they could be held liable for not focusing on shareholder wealth.

How to become a B Corp?

There are two criteria to become a B Corp. First, there is a language change to its Articles of Incorporation that must be made to create the triple bottom line in the corporation. The language consists of an expanded definition of ?best interests of the company? that includes financial, social and environmental impact and indicates that any director of the corporation needs to consider and act in the best interest of the company.

?Second, the company must take an annual assessment that is audited by an independent, non-profit B Lab. The critical difference here is that the certification to these standards helps give consumers? piece of mind that this is not just a marketing scheme. To ensure truthful reporting, approximately 10% of businesses are randomly selected for auditing each year.

The assessment covers 5 main topics:

  • Accountability ? measures the corporate mission, governance and transparency
  • Employees ?relationship with employees through measuring comp & benefits, training, and the work environment including corporate culture and health and safety practices
  • Consumers ? relationship with consumers through measuring whether the product is designed to solve a social or environmental issue, and whether products are available to underserved communities
  • Community ? relationship with community by measuring participation with local suppliers, activeness in the community through donations and/or outreach events
  • Environment ? relationship with environment through measuring impact on facilities, materials, emissions, and energy use

Pricing is on a sliding scale based on revenue. From $0-2M annual revenue, the annual dues are $500. This annual fee increases up to $25,000 for companies with an annual revenue of $100M+. These prices go to the non-profit B Lab to create awareness for the brand and momentum in the market place.

Growing momentum

Illinois just passed the B Corporation legislation in August 2012, and twelve Chicago companies are already registered on B Lab?s directory including Rockstar CPA and MightyBytes website design company. Fourteen more states have pending legislation. Ben and Jerry?s, Patagonia, and Etsy are some high profile entities that have already aligned with this business structure.

Etsy, an online marketplace for handmade crafts, barely exceeded the required 80 points out of 200 to gain certification. They held an all employee day for brainstorming how they could improve their score. The day resulting in a lot of ideas and engaged employees excited to make an impact on their environment and communities. ?

Ben and Jerry?s was certified as a B Corp in 2012 and was the first subsidiary of a major corporation to achieve this status. Unilever is the parent company but because it has a separate board for Ben and Jerry?s it was able to get certified. The company believes that business can be a positive force for social and environmental good and this certification helps to strengthen that vision.

Long term viability

Currently there are no tax benefits for becoming a certified B Corporation, but the founders of B lab think that by creating standards and a consistent way to differentiate businesses that it creates the foundation to make that a possibility in the long term.

What do you think? Would you like to be employed by a Certified B Corporation or as an entrepreneur would you set up a Certified B corporation? The solution is voluntary and in the free market, and creates a differentiator in the market place. Do you think this is a fad or the start of an evolution?



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